Light fittings for agriculture and animal husbandry

Perfect stable lighting – more yield

Light not only controls the biorhythm of humans but also of animals. Good, species-appropriate barn lighting promotes the well-being and health of the animals and has a positive effect on their performance.

Dairy cattle/cattle farming

Cows and cattle reacts insecurely and stressed to rapid changes in light levels. Good, uniform lighting without light/dark zones, for example between the stable, driveway and milking areas, has a positive effect on animal welfare and increases the daily milk yield of dairy cows, especially in the darker months of the year.

Pig farming
Pig farming

In pig farming, optimised lighting leads to better visual perception of the animals and thus ensures a significantly lower level of stress and aggression. The animals are more balanced, the meat has higher quality and the yields are higher

Poultry farming

Poultry needs flicker-free light. Infinitely dimmable light with a low flicker index is therefore essential for species-appropriate poultry farming. It has a calming effect, reduces cannibalism and mortality rates and thus increases the yield.


Bessere Bedingung
Better working conditions in the stall

Good lighting creates better working conditions in the stall. The eyes have to strain less, animal inspections are easier and the risk of accidents at work is reduced. In addition, the use of modern, efficient and long-lasting LED lights saves a considerable amount of energy and maintenance cost – a relief for the environment and your wallet.

Ammonia-resistant light fittings of our LW-series::


Extremely tight against harmful gases. The perfect solution for heavy ammonia pollution, high humidity and intensive cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner or steam jet


The price-optimised solution for agriculture and animal husbandry - excellent quality, highly ammonia-resistant and suitable for high pressure cleaning


Thanks to increased resistance to ammonia vapors, ideally suited for lighting stables with larger mounting heights (> 6m)

Specially developed for use in environments contaminated with harmful gases, our new XR DS light sensor is ideal for animal houses contaminated with ammonia. Robustly constructed and gas-tight encapsulated, it offers outstanding durability and reliability in these demanding areas.
Which light fitting is the right one?

Selection table for the lighting of stables in livestock farming

In addition to basic requirements such as adequate impact resistance and resistance to harmful gases, lighting in livestock farming must also meet the special housing conditions and requirements for animal welfare. So which light fitting is the right one for which application?

light fitting series
cattle / cows
& horses
poultry1) 2)
1) According to the animal welfare and livestock keeping regulation, dimmable versions are required.
2) Since light fittings in poultry houses often have to withstand increased cleaning and disinfection requirements, the PRIMO XR LW DIMD is the best choice.
Every animal has different lighting requirements
cattle / cows

Their eyes adapt the light much more slowly than the human eye. Large differences in brightness and abrupt changes in light level frighten and unsettle the animals. Therefore, dimmable versions and a high level of uniformity of lighting are advantageous. The ammonia load is rather low and intensive cleaning processes are rare. Our LUXANO LW and DUEVO ER are the right choice.
Don't use red light as a night light!
Cattle see better than humans at dusk and therefore do not need lighting to orientate themselves in the barn at night. Experts therefore advise:
· No red night lighting
· White night light with a maximum of 10 lux
· Only switch on when necessary (inspection rounds)
In addition, the farmer cannot carry out suitable checks on animal health during inspection rounds under red light, as he cannot recognise injuries (blood).



Horses also react unsettled and startled to abrupt changes in light level. Therefore, the use of dimmable lights is recommended.


Extreme conditions often prevail such as very high ammonia load, high humidity, higher temperatures (piglet rearing). The additional intensive cleaning processes with high pressure / steam jet cleaners require extremely robust luminaires. If you want to be on the safe side, opt for the absolutely gas-tight, IPX9K-tested PRIMO XR LW or, for mounting heights over 6m, for the DUEVO LW.



According to the Animal Welfare and Farm Animal Husbandry Ordinance, artificial light in poultry must be "flicker-free", as the animals are very sensitive to flickering light. Many LED light fittings are unsuitable for such areas because of their high residual ripple or pulse width modulation (PWM) used for dimming. Quite in contrast, our dimmable LW luminaires have very low residual ripple and are flicker-free! Dimmable lights also allow the use of different lighting programmes to control the dark and twilight phase in the day / night rhythm.

Ammonia - the special challenge

The reliable, efficient and species-appropriate illumination of stables is a particular challenge. LED luminaires for this application not only have to withstand mechanical loads and intensive cleaning processes with high-pressure cleaners, but also chemical loads, especially ammonia.

Depending on the concentration, ambient temperature and exposure time, significant decreases in luminous flux, significantly shortened lifetimes and damage up to total failure are possible. LED and ECG must therefore be reliably protected. Our special LED light fittings for areas contaminated with ammonia take this fully into account. Of course, tested and confirmed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) test mark.
A special feature: at the express request of SCHUCH, in addition to the standard DLG test scope, the luminous flux was measured for the first time with the LUXANO 2 LW before and after the ammonia gas treatment. With a simulated service life of around 10 years, the luminaire achieved an excellent value with a luminous flux retention of almost 90%!
DLG anerkannt 2020

The ammonia resistance of the LW luminaires from SCHUCH has also been impressively confirmed in a long-term research project InnoLed_4_Livesrock of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Broschüre Innovationsförderung

The research project “InnoLED_4_Livestock - Increase in animal welfare through innovative lighting technology” was launched in 2017 as part of the innovation funding from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The aim was to develop an LED luminaire that fully meets the requirements of farm animal husbandry. For this purpose, it had to be able to be used in areas that need to be cleaned intensively as well as in areas with increased ammonia concentration and also make its contribution to animal welfare. The research team examined the effects of different lighting situations (illuminance levels / color temperatures) on animal welfare and the ammonia resistance of various luminaire models. As an exclusive industrial partner, SCHUCH provided all luminaires for the extensive test series.

Luminaires used:

  • Standard LED damp-proof luminaire of the 163 series
  • LED damp-proof luminaire with LEDs of increased ammonia resistance 163 LW
  • Gas-tight LED damp-proof luminaire PRIMO LW

Starting in April 2019, the luminaires were installed over a 21-month period in the pig fattening area, where the highest ammonia loads were expected. The installation was carried out in parallel with the existing luminaires in the selected fattening area, using the same switching procedures. Switching the luminaires on and off creates temperature differences in the luminaires so that stable air is drawn into the luminaire housing. The luminaires were removed every 2 months and measured for changes in lighting technology.
The project is now complete and the results have been analysed and published in a final report. In contrast to many other studies and tests which only look at the ammonia resistance of luminaire materials, this project looked specifically at the effects of ammonia exposure on the photometric performance of luminaires. Only this approach allows a clear statement to be made as to the suitability of the luminaire for use in ammonia polluted environments.

The results

Standard LED luminaires
The results have made it clear that the use of standard luminaires in stable environments with high ammonia concentrations is not advisable. The gases have a strong effect on the LEDs. There was a clear, continuous decrease in luminous flux of around 10-13% and a continuous increase in colour temperature due to progressive corrosion on the LED. The life of the luminaire is significantly reduced and replacement of these luminaires would be necessary to maintain good lighting in the barn.

LED luminaires with increased ammonia resistance (LW versions).
The luminous flux and colour temperature of these luminaires remained almost constant. The changes were within the measurement tolerances.
The SCHUCH damp-proof luminaires in LW versions, which were specially developed for use in livestock farming, are already ideally suited for use in agricultural livestock farming.

Gastight LED lights (PRIMO XR 107..)
No significant changes have been made here. Thanks to the special gas-tight design of the PRIMO XR with its moulded FastConnect, ammonia gases cannot even penetrate the interior of the luminaire. The delicate LEDs are perfectly protected. This makes PRIMO LW the safest solution for use in livestock areas with high ammonia levels.

The results of the research project have impressively confirmed the harmful gas resistance of both the LW luminaires and the PRIMO XR.

There are many different work areas in agricultural facilities with different lighting requirements.

Outdoor areas
Traffic zones, parking spaces, entrances and exits, loading and unloading points, vehicle washing areas, silos, etc.


Outdoor areas
Traffic zones, parking spaces, entrances and exits, loading and unloading points, vehicle washing areas, silos, etc.