With the Corona Crises we are facing major challenges



Protecting the health of our employees and business partners, as well as the maintenance of the production and ensuring delivery readiness are our top priority tasks.

To prevent mutual infection, we have initially prohibited all field staff from visiting customers and and traveling on business. Of course our employees in home office are still available for you at the contact address known to you. For the employees at our location in Worms we have issued clear guidelines for the behavior which are based on the recommendations and instructions of the authorities and the RKI and are constantly adapted to current developments. The possibilities of home office work are used to the extent necessary.
We currently see no impairment of our services for our business partners.

Thanks to decades of close connections to our upstream suppliers, we were able to ramp up our inventory early and are currently still being supplied in sufficient quantities, albeit with slight delays. In addition, our high level of vertical integration and the fact that we do not use goods for resale give us the opportunity to react flexibly to unforeseen events.
So far, there has been no corona-related impairment of our ability to deliver.

How the situation will develop over a longer period of the Corona-Pandemic and what effects future regulatory orders will have, we cannot predict. However, should situations such as the closure of all production sites in other countries take longer, or more to come, we cannot rule out an impact on our ability to deliver. Of course, we will monitor the further development very closely and do everything possible to ensure our ability to deliver.
As a healthy, financially strong company, we are at your side as a reliable partner even in this difficult situation.

Do you have any questions?

Then contact us.
We are at your service and gladly help to solve your specific problem!


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